Placement #2: Hitting the Ground Running | PGCE: Day in the Life

What an unusual first term we had before Christmas! I don’t know about you, but I felt knackered. I’ve been told that the autumn term is always the hardest, and I don’t doubt it. Lots of experienced teachers echoed that it was likely the hardest September-December they’d ever faced so, whether you’re training, a veteran … More Placement #2: Hitting the Ground Running | PGCE: Day in the Life

Essential Teacher Tech | Initial Teacher Training

[4-minute read] This is a list of all the essential technologies that I used – and think you could do with – in your training year and beyond. Every technology comes with a caveat: if you can’t afford it, don’t buy it. Would an iPad Pro be nice? Sure. Could you make do with just a cheap laptop? Absolutely. … More Essential Teacher Tech | Initial Teacher Training